
Fundamentals of safe rigging structures at events

Lighting can work wonders at any event. It can draw attention as well as generate the attraction needed to set the mood and atmosphere...

Aspect ratio and Resolutions

Top tips to keep in mind for LED wall content creation. Creating and displaying content on an LED wall is quite different from that of...

Don't meddle with soundcheck

There have been numerous instances in different cities across the country where some event companies have invited an A-list artist/band...

Bare necessities of lighting a corporate event

Lighting. The word may seem simple and easy to forget when it comes to corporate events, but it plays a pivotal role in this segment...

Benefits of a curved LED wall

As display technology advances, many event organizers are moving to the Curved LED wall from flat ones since it has a wider colour...

Bang for your buck! Choosing the right P.A. system for your event.

Most event organisers often find themselves contemplating the size of the PA based on the type of event they’re conducting. Surely one…